
The Great Heavenly Hook Up

Mar 12, 2021

21 December 2020

The Lord said to me:

“The year 2020 ends for you on Dec 21, 2020.”

Honestly, when God said that 2020 is a year I cannot see or plan beyond the immediate present, I...

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2021: Double Grace for the Double Calamity

Mar 09, 2021

10.30 am, 1 February 2021 Monday Morning Worship

KK: I saw heaven’s gates opened when I started worshipping.

Sara: I noticed his little prayer mat glow. Golden glow. Different from all our...

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The Pandemic Over by 1 Feb 2022?

Mar 05, 2021

12 Feb 2021

On this day we welcome the Lunar New Year of the Golden Ox and someone pointed out that the date is a palindrome: a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards.

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2021: Reset, Reboot, Reformat

Mar 02, 2021

9 November 2020

During our worship meeting, Yanli saw an image of: “ …………………….” and the word “Processing.” She added,...

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Double ā€˜Dā€™s and Better ā€˜Dā€™s

Feb 26, 2021

21 October 2020

Quiet time conversations:

V: “Things are going to get Doubly Difficult (DD).”


Then He led me to read Acts 1:7-8:

“It is not for you to know the times or...

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2020: A Glimmer of Hope

Feb 23, 2021

13 January 2020

Woken late in the night with these words:

“About that the ring of fire... it is the glimmer of hope in times of darkness.”


Thank you, Lord, for this assurance.


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2020 Expect Some Serious Warfare, 2008 All Over Again?

Feb 19, 2021

2 December 2019

I received a newsletter post from Linda P. Jones Ministries titled: Keys for Successful Transitioning, Know the Constraints of your Possession.”

The word...

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Deep and Dark

Feb 16, 2021

11 November 2020

Saw these numbers in doubles:

11 11              20...

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Unwind to Wind up 2020

Feb 12, 2021

October 16 2020

V: “What did you discover at the retreat?”

Sigh… I managed to sleep only about 5 to 6 hours a day, not my targeted 7 to 8. But they are good, deep sleep. Tired...

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2019: A is for Alignment

Feb 09, 2021

January 6, 2019

Walking out for lunch after the first service of 2019, one of my daughter’s friends asked me what I thought of the sermon. I replied that the pastor said something that got my...

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