
爱舍的故事第一集 | Season 1 Episode 1 Asha's Story

Sep 10, 2021

10 September 2021





整個故事是有關於愛舍如何從一個無神論者經過生活上, 婚姻上,事業上的失敗, 然後奇妙的認識了一個和上帝喝咖啡的人-從此改變了她和上帝的關係還有她對上帝的認識.



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Our 2nd Battle Against Covid19, Part 1

Sep 07, 2021

May 2021

In April, I watched in disbelief on BBC News, showing millions of people in India wildly celebrating their many festivals, without any safety measures, bathing in the Ganges, jostling and...

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2021: Fire and Terror in Indonesia

Aug 31, 2021

2 March 2021

YY sent a news photo of a volcano eruption in Indonesia today.



It jolted my memory of what I had just seen at our MMM (Monday Morning Meeting) yesterday.

I checked up the...

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2021: The Wild Bull vs the Murderous Ox

Aug 27, 2021

12 Feb 2021, 1st Day of the Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year of the Golden Ox arrived after a trying week caring for my grandson who was running a high fever.

Traditionally, we celebrate 15 days...

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The Power of the Righteous

Aug 24, 2021

13 Feb 2021, Day 2 of the Lunar New Year

Reading a few chapters of Psalms and Proverbs rekindled an old memory:

“The righteous thrive like a palm tree and grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon.

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I Hear His Whisper

Aug 20, 2021

Jan 16, 2020 

Weary beyond description, I received a timely email from The Passion Translation Newsletter:

I Hear His Whisper . . .
Soar with me.


Beloved, I see how tired...

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Shoeless and “Perfectness”

Aug 17, 2021

16/1/20, Thursday

Around 5 to 6 am Pillow Talk with Jesus

Early this morning, I enjoyed some pillow talk with the Lord. We talked about the many decisions I have to make - the website, the long,...

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Baby Oliver, My Little Brave Caleb

Aug 13, 2021

By Sara, 2 July 2019

When I look at his beautiful face now, I feel so grateful. Thankful that both my daughter, Nikki, and her baby are well despite his very bloody entry into the world. His story...

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2019: Traffic Jam in my Brains

Aug 06, 2021

By Sara, June 2019

Unloading my luggage full of journals and notes in this bright and spacious suite in Sentosa, a resort island in Singapore, I find myself struggling to quiet my soul to start my...

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2019 Ends on a Fiery Note

Aug 03, 2021

12 January 2020

On 1 January 2020. I read a news article titled: 

“‘Extraordinary” 2019 ends with the deadliest day of the worst fire season”.

In an earlier post in...

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