
It’s When Jesus Chose to Rest

Jun 25, 2021

Jan 6, 2021

In his book, “Addicted to Busy: Recovery for the Rushed Soul,” Brady Boyd shares some excellent food for thought:

“Jesus wasn’t into legalism, evidenced in the...

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2019: Five β€˜A’s Now

Jun 22, 2021

By Sara, 28 Feb 2019

I was reading a Billy Graham devotional on Psalms 91, my husband’s favourite chapter as it helped him overcome a very frightening period in his life.

Immediately after...

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The Drudgery of Life and a Humdrum Existence

Jun 18, 2021

Aug 30 , 2019


This morning in my quiet time, I thanked God for helping me to complete writing something he said to write for the website – to recall my early anti-God days, and years...

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2019: The Year of Adventure

Jun 15, 2021

Feb 2019

I receive two sets of free “ang-pow”[1] packets from my car dealer which they customarily give out to their customers for the Chinese New Year. 


Printed on the...

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The Last Good Work Project of 2020

Jun 11, 2021

20 November 2020

My friend, Eric, sent me a message to support this Iranian Christian family whose retail business had suffered a blow during the lockdown. I passed the word around and busy as I...

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2020 D is for Double Honour

Jun 08, 2021

28 November, 2019

 Reading from 1 Timothy 4:1:

“The elders who rule well, especially those who preach and teach, are worthy of double honour.”

I looked up the word...

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The Well – A Lifesaver or A Trap

Jun 04, 2021

30 December 2020

After a worship meeting in November, I shared about the mystery of the well and how it led me to help an Iranian family. Yanli then uttered two Chinese words that she heard in her...

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2021: R is for Replenish, Repair and Revise

Jun 01, 2021

26 December 2020

Taking out a bottle of isotonic drink to quench my thirst during my game of golf, the tiny word “Replenish” jumped at me.  Another “R” word for 2021,...

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2020: D is for Darkness

May 28, 2021

26 December 2019

 I was at home when the annular solar eclipse passed Singapore.

 At exactly 1.23 pm, I watched and videoed in awe from my balcony as the moon moved to block the center of...

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2020: D is for Discipline

May 25, 2021

25 October 2019

The coming year of 2020 is not looking very good with the ‘D’s in 2 Timothy 3 so far. But something triggered a memory when I read verses 14-15 today:


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