
What Shall the Righteous Do (7): Be a Blessing

Jul 22, 2024

5 June 2024

Extracted from this post on 22 December, 2022, after we returned from our retreat in Northern Thailand.

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What Shall the Righteous Do (6): Abide and Trust

Jul 15, 2024

5 June 2024

In the last post I wrote about what two members shared about the mouth – a whirlpool trap and a very diabolical image of many mouths. Incidentally, Kelly also shared her insight...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (5): A War of Words

Jul 08, 2024

5 June 2024

Continuing with this series, I go back to the post on Nov 12, 2022 and extract what some of the members saw and shared:


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What Shall the Righteous Do (4): Warning About the Mouth

Jul 01, 2024

31 May 2024

In the last post, I was sharing about the treasure chest I saw Jesus dug up for us on 10 Nov 2018. And quoted it In the post on 31 Dec 2019, where I shared a warning from God about our...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (3): That 7-Year Anointing

Jun 24, 2024

31 May 2024

In a post on 31 Dec 2019, I shared about a treasure chest the Lord has dug up for us.

… on 10...

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What Shall the Righteous Do (2): Will there be a World War?

Jun 17, 2024

31 May 2024

In the post on 11 Nov 2022, I shared a warning about the coming of a Mother of All Wars:


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Introduction (1): What Shall the Righteous Do?

Jun 11, 2024

29 May 2024

Recovering from a long and weary trip in China to bring the newly installed caretakers from Singapore and Switzerland on a tour of duty, I found myself surprisingly alert and energised....

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为期 15 年的新季节: 提升 (第五篇, 完结篇)

Apr 16, 2024

2024 年 1 月 15 日

在上一篇文章中,我对我的成年孩子们在未来几年里所要面对的混乱而艰难的世界感到警惕和担忧。但当 V 向我展示缺失的第 15 扇门时,我欣喜若狂,对我来说,它标志着这 15 年复兴季的结束。


第 15 扇门

再次仔细观察我在第三篇分享的照片,我试图窥视第 14 扇门的圆形窗口,寻找门后的东西。令我欣喜的是,我瞥见黑色木门后面有一排门。


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为期 15 年的新季节(第四篇)

Apr 09, 2024

周一晨会 | 2024 年 1 月 8 日

在上一篇文章中,我展示了 12 月份拍摄的 "门 "移动的照片,并认为这是即将发生转变或变化的征兆。

在今天的崇拜中,我听到 V 确认了这一点:



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为期 15 年的新季节(第三篇)

Apr 02, 2024

周一晨会 | 2024 年 1 月 8 日

敬拜结束后,我开始向在场的人展示我所看到和画到的东西。这勾起了Joanna 和Sharon 许多快乐和激动人心的回忆,多年来她们一直和我一起走过这段旅程。

Florence 把我在上一篇文章中提到的那本书递给了我--我都忘了去年我曾把这本书转交给她,让她读读我们是如何开始这一切的。她本打算在圣诞节期间归还,但因为太忙了-所以她现在才还给我。


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