

Jul 30, 2021

By Sara, 18 Nov 2019

Feeling a little overwhelmed with so much to do, I decided to put everything aside to worship God, something I know I absolutely need in times like this. 

A little while...

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The Final “A” for 2019: The Anointing!

Jul 27, 2021

Sara, 31 December 2019, COBS Watchnight 

Online with members from China and Singapore from 3 pm, I recapped key pointers from God from 2018 to 2019 after reviewing my journals and notes.


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My Great Defender

Jul 23, 2021

By Sara, 23 Oct 2019

“When I thought I lost me

You knew where I left me”


Led to worship with just this one song by Rita Springer.

Playing the same song over and over on Spotify...

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2019: Too Hot to Handle

Jul 20, 2021

By Sara, Dec 2019

In December 2018, I sent this text message to the COBS team:

““In the past years, we see a lot of water – in natural or manmade disasters, freak weather and so...

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Me, the Lazy One

Jul 16, 2021

August 2019

“We are not to be idle, that we would show we did not trust in God, who worketh hitherto,

but to the devil, who is the father of idleness.”

“We are not to be imprudent...

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2019: Winding Down the Year with Honour

Jul 13, 2021

By Sara, 28 Nov 19

This morning, paraphrasing from 1 Timothy 5:17, I scribbled in my journal:

“Those who rule well – double honour – especially those who work hard at preaching...

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Solace in the Hour of Solitude

Jul 09, 2021



“O blessed hurricane that drives the soul to God and God alone!

There is no getting at out God sometimes because of the multitude of our friends; 

but when a man is...

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2019: A is for the Arctic and the Antarctica

Jul 06, 2021

By Sara, Aug 2019

I finally framed up the award-winning map which I bought online from a Japanese store last year. 

The AuthaGraph World Map, created by Hajime Narukawa at Keio...

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How on Earth to Be Perfect, Lord?

Jul 02, 2021

Aug 2019

I have lived long enough to know that I will never be perfect and can never do anything perfectly, even though Jesus says, “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.”


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2019: A is for Attention

Jun 29, 2021

By Sara, June 2019

Reading a word study on the Book of Hebrews, the commentary says:

“There is danger in not giving Christ and His message sufficient attention.”

Hebrew 2:1 Warning...

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