
2023: One Voice, One Sound, One Sign

Feb 23, 2023

12 November 2022, Pai

Shaken a little by the revelation of the number 762, I sought the Lord for any way to help the fallen to return. 

V showed me the letter “M” turned upside...

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The Unquenchable Fire

Feb 20, 2023

11 November 2022, Pai

After the worship meeting with the local community at our resort, we made our way to the famous “Walking Street of Pai” night market, a charming hippie-like...

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2023: Don’t Be a Dumb Elephant

Feb 13, 2023

December 22, 2022

On the last day of our retreat in Pai, Northern Thailand on 14 Nov, I was so tired instead of feeling rested. My spirit was so weary after hearing all our China members share...

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The Robbery of Our Breath

Feb 07, 2023

December 20, 2022

V asks me: “Sara, what is the mouth for?” as I continue to mull over what He last said: 

“The outcome of the next Mother of All War rests with the war...

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2023: The War Over the Mouth

Jan 31, 2023

November 12, 2022

Today I am so happy that we are all on a silent fast as I was eager to resume my talk with God about this war after my alone time with Him yesterday in the tent. I pulled out the...

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2023: The Letter M and the Mother of All Wars

Jan 24, 2023

November 11, 2022

The letter “M” has been appearing recently. As I waited in the tent, renewed and recharged, for what is in store for the next year, V reminded me of the letter...

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Taking Stock of the Year of the Supernatural

Jan 17, 2023

November 11, 2022

Pai, Northern Thailand

I had thought that when God said that this year is a Year of the Supernatural we would see a powerful display of His power – of the miraculous...

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Taking Stock of 2022: Spiritual Blackout

Jan 10, 2023

November 11, 2022

Figure 1 Pai Lamun Valley Resort, Northern Thailand

While the rest went off on a day tour in the mountains of Pai, I enjoy me-time with the Lord. We are on our annual year-end...

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BRINGING UP SARA, 1.3 God’s Perfect Will for My Health Part 1

Jan 03, 2023

Part 1: God’s call into the Wellness business 

We all know what we need to do to stay healthy: 

  1. Eat sensibly. 
  2. Drink lots of water.
  3. Manage stress and time.
  4. Exercise...
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Dec 27, 2022

Part 2: Lesson from the Four Flat Tyres

I shared about my four punctured tyres at our meeting. 

Asha from China blurted out a Chinese proverb: 四平八稳


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