
Warfare Series

Nov 29, 2021
August 2021

For more than a year, I struggled with trying to get the Covid19 warfare reports done. It seemed impossible as there are new battles to fight and pressing needs to be met every time I...

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之玮的故事第七集 | Season 2 Episode 7 Zhiwei's Story

Nov 26, 2021

26 November 2021


他們母子倆彼此原谅對方的錯誤, 坦承相待- 母子倆们的感情一次比一次更深。之玮現在已經成為了一个不贪婪的、喜乐的、敬业的、也是一个尊荣父母的男子汉.  感謝讚美主!



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More Dunamis Rains and Cyclones

Nov 22, 2021

Aug 25, 2021

On August 9 and 16, we saw dunamis rains, tsunamis and cyclones during our worship sessions. I cautioned members to expect heavy rains, strong winds and falling trees and urged...

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之玮的故事第六集 | Season 2 Episode 6 Zhiwei's Story

Nov 19, 2021

19 November 2021


之玮現在正處青春期. 爱舍再一次的遇到不知所措的親子教育問題.上帝告訴她之玮是我的孩子我來教.  您好奇上帝教的結果是如何嗎?




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之玮的故事第五集 | Season 2 Episode 5 Zhiwei's Story

Nov 12, 2021

12 November 2021



這一次她了解了只要她选择听从上帝, 上帝就會赐给她力量和勇气去面对一切問題.

爱舍也因此經歷了上帝如何用Sara- 就是和上帝喝咖啡的人來供應和照顾他們母子倆.




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The Joys of Worshipping God

Nov 08, 2021

MMM 9 Aug 2021

In COBS, our priority and focus is on worshipping God. As you read Florence’s notes from her worship journal below, you can perhaps appreciate why. Such a beautiful account of...

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之玮的故事第四集 | Season 2 Episode 4 Zhiwei's Story

Nov 05, 2021

5 November 2021



不但是之玮的行為改變了很多, 他們母子倆開始一起禱告.  聖靈也大大的動工, 發生很多不可思議的奇蹟.




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The Dunamis Storm

Nov 02, 2021

MMM 16/8/21, 10.30 am to 1.30 pm

Five of us resumed our Monday worship together after a month of partial lockdown. 

When worship started, I heard lines from the Lord’s prayer:


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之玮的故事第三集 | Season 2 Episode 3 Zhiwei's Story

Oct 29, 2021

29 October 2021


就在當爱舍試過了很多的方法還是沒有辦法改變之玮调皮捣蛋的行為, 上帝透過爱舍的顧客,一位80多歲的老人家引導爱舍帶之玮去教會.  爱舍了解到通过之玮的情形, 她開始认识到祷告的重要性,也開始學習为之玮祷告.




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First Rats, Now Bats!

Oct 26, 2021

14 August 2021

I first heard the thuds of a falling object, like marbles, in the quiet of the night a few week ago. Not rats again I hoped.

The mystery was solved when my helper showed me the hard...

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