30 December 2020
After a worship meeting in November, I shared about the mystery of the well and how it led me to help an Iranian family. Yanli then uttered two Chinese words that she heard in her...
26 December 2020
Taking out a bottle of isotonic drink to quench my thirst during my game of golf, the tiny word “Replenish” jumped at me. Another “R” word for 2021,...
26 December 2019
I was at home when the annular solar eclipse passed Singapore.
At exactly 1.23 pm, I watched and videoed in awe from my balcony as the moon moved to block the center of...
25 October 2019
The coming year of 2020 is not looking very good with the ‘D’s in 2 Timothy 3 so far. But something triggered a memory when I read verses 14-15 today:
13 January 2020
A week ago, Daniyel sends me a YouTube report of a mystery illness outbreak in Wuhan, China. That triggered great concern as we remember the deadly SARS outbreak from November 2002...
18 December 2020
I saw an interesting headline on BBC news:
“Coronavirus: UK R number back above one.”
I was curious about what is this “R”...
15 September, 2019
Studying the book of Timothy in the Bible, I wrote in my journal:
“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention...
November 18, 2020
Ramblings from my journal:
44 days to the end of this “D” year….
Death, disease, disruption, distress caused by delays, distraction, disbelief, demonic...
25 October 2019
I had to make two major decisions in this busy and stressful month.
First, whether to terminate the services of a consultant who was missing...
23 Oct 2019
On 23 October, 2019 I spent hours worshipping with just this song “Defender” and I drew as I worshipped. As I reviewed the drawing, I saw them – the hidden enemies.
50% Complete
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