
第八季第二集:完美平衡, 第一部分:先愛自己

May 16, 2023

16 May 2023





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May 09, 2023

9 May 2023

歡迎來到我們最新的播客季.  這一季主要讲述了Sara如何从忙碌的教会事奉中意识到需要平衡自己的生活,重视家庭,并将基督放在生活的中心。她还分享了自己被神带入健康事业和多层次营销领域的故事,以及COBS的口号“大能在破碎中”的含义。她强调了健康的身体和灵魂都需要纪律,并且重视听从神的声音。最后,...

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Hallelujah I am a Sinner! : BRINGING UP SARA 1.7

May 01, 2023

circa 2015 - 2019

There is an interesting story behind this chapter. 

A lady who lived in Las Vegas was going through a very sad divorce, very much due to her problems with drugs and alcohol...

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No Fear, I am Bigger than your Mistake: BRINGING UP SARA 1.6

Apr 24, 2023

circa 2015 - 2019

Some years ago, Pastor BC laid hands on me at the end of an encounter [with God] meeting and said I had a gift of prophecy. To the envy and surprise of all her disciples waiting...

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The 4 Disciplines (Part 2): The Men are Not OK: BRINGING UP SARA 1.5

Apr 17, 2023

circa 2015 - 2019

I found out personally how easily one can be sucked into phone and internet addiction. Once, I got hooked onto a word game on my smartphone to kill time and the Holy Spirit showed...

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The 4 Disciplines (Part 1): A New War: BRINGING UP SARA 1.5

Apr 10, 2023

circa 2015 - 2019

In December 2011, the Lord asked me to conduct a series of lessons at our retreat and He called it the 4D – the 4 Disciplines of COBS:

  • Hearing God’s Voice
  • What is...
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BRINGING UP SARA 1.4: The Dunamis Power To A Full Life

Apr 03, 2023

Understanding the dunamis power of God is an essential aspect of COBS life. Without it, Christ could not be resurrected, the gospel couldn’t have been preached to the ends of the earth, and...

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BRINGING UP SARA, 1.3 God’s Perfect Will for my Health Part 2

Mar 27, 2023

Part 2: God’s perfect will is not to heal us over and over

Cancer Strikes Again

Not long after the Lord led me into the wellness business, my sixth sister, Elin, who is just one year older...

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2023: A Summary

Mar 23, 2023

5 January 2023

To close this series of posts, let me attempt to summarise what God has shown us about the year 2023 (relevant posts in brackets).

  1. 2023 is the Mid-point of the 7-year anointing amid...
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The Key

Mar 20, 2023

5 January 2023

In the post “One Voice, One Sound, One Sign”, I was wondering what the “One Sign” was. While seeking for the word for 2023, I noticed a curious note in my old...

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