12 May 2023

Drum roll 🥁🥁🥁💃💃💃

Did you notice the changes on our website? 

Last year, I noticed that the past colours of blues and greens have changed to pink and purple. They kept showing up everywhere, including in our weekly Youtube playlist. I felt that it was time to refresh our website with the new colours but had to wait for our graphic designer Azelia to fit us into her busy schedule; she has to be the one to do it.

I had asked the members what these colours signify to them. 

Extract from my post on Dec 14, 2022: 

“From Blue to Green, Then Green to Pink, Purple and Red….

Jing Jing from China says that she sees the blue and green now buried. And from there, it birthed flowers of pink, purple and red, which signifies to her love, romance, babies and royalty.“


A Time of Romance

I told the members that the coming year or years we are going to 谈恋爱 with the Lord, literally means “talk and romance about love” i.e. enter into a period of courtship with the Lord. 💘 And that I see many fall in love, get married and more babies coming 🥰

Azalia felt inspired to capture the brief with flowers which feature prominently in courtship, weddings and special occasions like anniversaries and birth. We chuckled as I commented that her name is also a flower, even though she says she is not really into flowers :)

Wait, I did write about her previously. Here it is, extracted from 2019-a-is-for-alignment:

“More Delightful ‘A’s 

Her face lighted up immediately, and she asked, while showing me the goosebumps on her arms, “Aunty, do you remember what is my name?” 

Of course, I do. It is Azelia! Another A!

We chuckled happily… I later checked the meaning of her name, which is also a flower, in Chinese it is 杜鹃花 – it means “Dry”, symbolic of femininity, new romance and passion, as well as fragility, often called a “take care of yourself” flower.”

Hahaha. Isn't this cute? And this is the final result, our website refreshed with flowers by a feminine, romantic and passionate flower, with some fragility thrown in (which I thought captures our spirit of brokenness). 

From the warm, mellow, autumny colours of the first website design done by her it has exploded into a burst of bright and fresh colours - of youthful delight and joy. 

This, I feel, ushers us into a new season of love, of falling in love with the Lord all over again, and also, a wedding, where the Groom is coming for his Bride, the Church. Maybe, maybe, we shall soon see the Lord coming for us…


The Year of His Glory!

I am so thrilled that she has captured a lot of what was revealed to us without prior knowledge as well. For example, for the Year of His Glory banner on the Home page which Grace and many others have seen and we have shared in earlier posts.

Grace: 荣光撒下来,我们都变成金色的✨ “A glorious light is beaming down, we all turn golden✨

KK: 2023: 光明的一年:A Shining and Bright Year

YY: 哈哈嘻嘻的一年: A Year of Joyful Laughter


A Kairos Moment: The Isaiah 62 Fast and Pray for Israel

Even more intriguing, the refreshed website went “live” on May 4, just a few days before I was led to join the Isaiah 62 Fast and Prayer for Israel where Mike Bickle is leading a call for 1 million believers to pray. I was hesitant when I first received the email about it, because for many years now V has warned against being (unhealthily infatuated) with Israel or all things Jewish.  

He believed that this will usher in a historic and critical moment in the history of modern Israel, where God’s glory is going to be revealed, which matches what V showed to us at our watch night - that 2023 is the Year of His Glory; specifically, His name will be glorified (Psalms 86:12).

What moved me was when my daughter asked me for prayer covering as she is doing the fast, I looked it up in greater detail and read something Mike Bickle quoted from scriptures (which I strangely cannot find now): 

“It is time to take pity on Israel and to pray for her”

It was another of those Rhema moments and so I put my packed schedule aside and asked COBS Torchbearers to hear with me what V is saying.

Florence sent me a youtube link of a long Chinese interview conducted with Bickle which tells of an amazing 40-year-old prophecy between Chinese-speaking people and Israel. 

As one of my China members happened to be visiting Singapore, I watched it with her in her hotel room, leaving both of us awed and moved. We tried ways to transmit it to our Torches in China, together with notes and links, hoping they get to it before the Great Firewall burns it down. 

Amazingly, the day she lands in the early hours of China is also the first day of the 21-day fast. By then all had watched the interview and reviewed the notes. She held a meeting with them and prayer groups were immediately set up and organized in several cities. 

Praise God for our fiery and nimble torchbearers! Indeed they are “Artios” for action.  


A Delightful Marriage

I was led to select, among a range of resources, an Isaiah 62 prayer guide written by a Jewish believer Sandra Teplinsky from Jerusalem. 

On Day 5, I was intrigued with what she wrote using Isaiah 62, verse 4.

First, it talks about the romance and marriage of Israel to God

“Hephzibah” : My delight is in You

“Beulah”: Married

I messaged the members:

“Yes thank you Lord. We have seen right, spot on. For such a time, kairos time. Wedding preparations are often stressful but let us look at you and remember your love and enjoy this process. You are the reason for everything so let us dwell in your love even as we busy ourselves.

Next, she wrote about the land.

“Let us never worship the land, but let the land summon us to worship You, it’s true Owner.”

“I bless the land as married, for His delight”

So beautiful. Courtship, romance and a wedding with God’s beloved land; which summons worship to our Creator. In my heart, I also know that V is telling me about another land that will soon be summoning others to come and worship God…

So, here is the website, refreshed, romancing the Lord. 

Awaiting great laughter and joy at the coming wedding. 

After so many months of waiting, I am so glad that it is done. 

For such a time.


I hope it delights you as much as it does for me. 



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