2022: The Year of the Supernatural

28 Jan 2022

After a very stressful first month of this new year, with one wave of challenges following another, I did not have the mental bandwidth to write about the word for 2022. 

Today, the volcano in me erupted. I wasn’t proud of myself after I yelled at my helper who was making life more difficult for herself and me by her sloth and pride. I felt wretched and drained. 

After a short timeout, I tried to pray but only managed a brief sentence in my journal as the huge checklist of things gnawed at my soul. I tried to focus but finally decided that a word from the Lord is what I really need. 

Setting everything aside, I decided to go eat my dinner. Unwind. And wait. 


The Iron Tree Phenomenon Again!

Hours later, I picked up a lingering scent in the forest outside my living room. It is that strong smell from a few years ago… the same overpowering scent that gave us a headache. My husband had found the source the next morning when he went on his usual morning walk in the forest, which has been sealed for more than three years now. 

That scent had come from iron trees flourishing in full bloom all through the forest. It was short of a miracle as we have never seen an iron tree bloom in all our life. 

I quickly shot a message to the members asking if they remember this strange phenomenon. 

I think it was KK who shared this Chinese idiom about the iron tree (tie-shu ้“ๆ ‘) then:

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When the iron tree blooms, the dumb shall speak 

(Which actually points to something as almost impossible, like a miracle) 


Watchnight 2021

Which brings me back to December 30, 2021 as I laid on the hotel bed waiting for the Lord for His word for 2022 after going through the year’s journals. 

That was when V showed me one word


And translated it into Chinese for me


But try as I may, so many stressful things and incidents happened right after we entered the New Year, leaving me mentally and spiritually drained. All attempts at writing didn’t feel right and I had to discard them. I asked the Lord for clarity and confirmation. 

I figure this reminder of the iron tree is the confirmation.

So, 2022 is the Year of the Supernatural ่ถ…่‡ช็„ถ็š„ไธ€ๅนด


Taking Down the Cruel and Proud Assyrian Spirit

I get a feeling it’s about people who have been oppressed for a long time; the enemy dumbing their spirit and crippling their lives. 

I am reminded of an old post about Jael in 2018. 


This gutsy homemaker drove a deadly nail to the head of the sleeping and much-feared Assyrian general. Ahhh… I get it. We are dealing with the Assyrian spirit! No wonder warfare has been this intense.

God is going to do a supernatural work this year. But it will take the wise and brave to rise to the opportunity at hand and take decisive action like Jael. It takes one with steely nerves and a pair of strong arms, to take down this enemy with just one fatal strike! 

I get it. I can only get out of this oppression with (spiritual) violence. In warfare prayer and with great determination to break the shackles of this ruthless and cruel spirit.


No More Nonsense 

In Jesus’ name, I drive the peg of Jael to the head of the Assyrian spirit looming in my household and in my mind. It shall not get in the way of my joy and in my work for God. 

I feel the release of tension instantly. 

Yay! Finally. I will get to enjoy the Chinese New Year which is only 3 days away; an important time for us, when we have our reunion dinners with family and friends over 15 days of celebrations. I am so looking forward to seeing my son again after two long years of separation due to the pandemic. 

And oh, as this coming lunar year is the Year of the Tiger, as Kelly mused, not only will the dumb speak, they will roar! โ˜บ


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