2018 to 2019: From “R” to “A”

Dec 2018

2016-2018: A Three-Year War

Customarily, towards the end of each year, we go for a retreat to take stock of the year and then wait on the Lord for a word for the next year. 

At the retreat of 2015, the Lord had told us that there will be a very intense three-year spiritual war going on in the world from 2016 to 2018. He then instructed us to spread out to worship in our homes separately, raising the torch of God in several locations in Singapore, watching and praying over our nation. From 2016 to 2017, we worked very hard, as we travelled together to several countries, following the Lord, doing what He tells us to do.

2017: War is Over

At the year-end retreat of 2017, Joanna suddenly heard these words in Chinese – “The war is over.” She explained what the Lord meant - the three-year war has been shortened to two!  And that was why everything was moving suddenly at a faster pace that year, almost 50% faster, until we were panting for breath, injured and feeling very punctured by the end of 2017. She added, “But now, it is okay, we can ride with the Phoenix into 2018.”  And we suddenly recalled a vision YY had seen in 2015 which we had all forgotten about. (Link to Crying Eagle and Phoenix)

2018: Return, Regather and Rest

On Feb 21, 2018, the Lord asked me: “What do soldiers do after the war?

I replied, “They return to their homes.” 

“And what do they do when they return?” He continued.

I already knew the answer when He showed me the letter “R”.  

We were to:

  • Return
  • Re-gather to worship God in one location again and 
  • Rest.  

We did as He instructed and did not go on any mission trips in 2018.

The Letter “R” for 2018

He gave us further instructions in 2018, using the letter “R”.

Q1: Return and Recover – to heal from injuries, fatigue and weariness.

Q2: Rest and Repair – to take care and fix what has broken down in our homes.

Q3: Restore and Renew – to re-kindle relationships with spouse, family and neighbours.

Q4: Rebuild walls and fences – to keep the enemy out of our homes.

The Letter "A" for 2019

At the year-end retreat of 2018, I saw the letter “R” replaced by the letter “A”.

And I know, the rest is over. A new season has come.

The letter “A” is going to figure prominently in 2019.


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