28 August 2021

28/5/2020, Thur, Day 52 of Circuit Breaker

After the spectacular display of God’s mighty power the previous day, we held a debrief meeting from 3.15 pm to 6.30 pm. We were in awe of what has happened but we always check if we have things to learn from this and to wrap things up.


The Hill is Done

YY (East):

Holy Spirit said the map of Singapore looks like a dove and asked me where is its heart?

So I asked 3 times starting from April 1 – where is the heart of Singapore?

I heard the question for the first time and replied that it is around my place; where the Bukit Timah Hill and Central Catchment area are located. (Incidentally, on 19/11/2014, the Lord had me draw a red heart on the map at this place after we bought the property on the hill at His insistence.)


Holy Spirit said to me that this is the land where angels and demons are 是天使与魔鬼所处之地 (the place where angels and demons tread). She explains that it means this is a place of intense fighting.

We all are filled with a sense of awe and gratitude as the big tall evil tree here has fallen on 27/5 at 6 pm! Hallelujah!


Not Done with Little India?


You mentioned that the lightning rod is a rod of discipline. I was led to read Isaiah 28 on 20/5 and God says it is Little India:

“V7-8 And these also stagger from wine and reel from beer: Priests and prophets stagger from beer and are befuddled with wine; they reel from beer, they stagger when seeing visions, they stumble when rendering decisions. All the tables are covered with vomit and there is not a spot without filth.

V 27 talks about God using a rod and a stick to beat caraway and cumin.”

– these are spices used in Indian cooking and most likely also sold in Little India!

This confirms what I have heard – Little India is one of the 3 specific areas God has identified. But we wondered if it also mean that God is not done with Little India yet?


Something about the East and the Airport

YY and KK reminded me of a prophetic act I had asked them to do at our retreat at Lifespring Centre in the West last year. I gave them a set of keys and asked them to lock up the gate at the East to stop evil from entering. And mentioned that is where Changi airport is.


Can They Stop Fasting Now?

KK noted that the rainbow clouds appeared in Singapore on May 25, which is the 49th day of our circuit breaker lockdown; 49 being 7x7, a sign of God’s promise, of His remembrance of us in Singapore praying and petitioning Him for salvation and help.

And on the 50th day, the battle began. They had planned to fast from 21/5 to 31/5 and wondered if they could stop fasting now.


 Warfare Not Over Yet

29/5 Fri, Day 53 of Circuit Breaker, 12.36 pm:

So strange. Opened up my email and don’t know why the background is not the usual plain white but this!


Notice the lone tree below with the bolt of lightning? There is still a big tree standing.

1 pm

Was tidying up my desk all morning and got all my to do list done up as I thought the warfare is over and I have a lot of work to catch up with. But suddenly I felt very hungry. I stopped to grab lunch but after that I felt so fatigued that I could hardly sit up. As I lay down on my sofa, I heard it – the distant rumblings from the skies.

The battle is still not finished yet!

I sent a note to the team to still be watchful and prayerful, and maybe to continue to worship God.


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